Q: Which are the best whitewater helmets in your range?
For whitewater paddlers, canoeists, kayakers, wave skiers and those taking part in similar paddling sports, the Gath Surf Convertible, Gath Gedi and Gath RV are all popular whitewater helmets. The Gedi tends to be the most popular because it is EN 1385 Approved.
For those on-the-river, the Gedi or RV are good choices.
For those on-the-ocean the Gedi, RV or Surf Convertible are all popular.
For whitewater sports where there is a higher possibility of impact, whether it is with other users, rocks or similar objects, the EN 1385-approved Gedi is the only real choice, offering the right level of protection.
Be aware that if you’re looking at other brands of whitewater helmet, it’s important to check that the helmet has been accredited in the size you intend to purchase – not just in a single size as can be the case for some brands. The Gath Gedi helmet has been accredited to EN 1385 in all 5 sizes – this accreditation was achieved in March 2007. The relevant registration number is BP 60017615 0001 and the relevant report number is 21126628 002.
Please note that Standard EN 1385 covers white water classes 1 – 4. It does not cover white water classes 5 and 6 per the internationally used whitewater scale, as published and adapted by a committee of the International Canoe Federation, due to the nature of the test standards. Helmets for use in white water class 5 and 6 are outside the scope of this safety standard.
Q: What does Standard EN 1385 mean?
Standard EN 1385 is your assurance that your whitewater helmet has been tested extensively in 6 different areas. A whitewater helmet that complies with EN 1385 will:
- Provide you with ample protection
- Float, even after a period of being submerged
- Have a snug fit, without being uncomfortable
- Resist knocks and bumps, absorbing shock to a high standard
- Use effective fasteners so the helmet does not move or drop off
- Be designed so that it does not interfere with your field of vision
The Gath Gedi has achieved this standard and meets all of the above requirements. It is an ideal whitewater helmet for professional and recreational white water enthusiasts completing courses or challenges at levels 1 – 4.